Pork, with all of its cuts ideal for the heat of the embers, is today the uncontested leader of grills. The pig roast continues to be popular, whether for its unique flavor, adaptability, or softness.
There are several variations of grilled pork, just as there are numerous grillers. When it comes to roasting, each cook typically has his or her own secrets or recommendations, especially when it comes to spices, marinades, or sauces.
There are, however, some issues on which everyone should agree, namely the cooking periods and the temperature at which the pig should be grilled.
Let's set aside the differences and go over how to cook pork. Follow these steps to impress your family and friends with juicy, tender, and, most importantly, delicious meat.
Temperature and time

Every excellent cook understands that it is just as vital to have the best cuts of pork for the grill as it is to keep them on the coals for as long as possible and at the temperature at which they are cooked. If the fire is excessively hot, the meat will burn on the exterior but not cook on the inside. In addition, if the fire is too low, the meat will be uncooked.
How can I know if the temperature of the charcoal is optimal?

The first step is to ensure that embers have developed, i.e. that the charcoal is properly lighted but without a flame (it usually turns white on the surface).
The grill must then be placed at the proper height, which is when our hand may be virtually touching it for 5 or 6 seconds. If we keep it for a longer period of time, the temperature will be too low, and if we hold it for a shorter period of time, the temperature will be too high. Remember that the space between the grill and the charcoal is critical in this aspect.
And, if the grill's height is not adjustable, we must either add charcoal to raise the temperature or just wait for the charcoal to burn out in order to reduce the temperature at which we will cook the pork.
Once we've achieved the proper temperature, we only need to start grilling the meat so that the charcoal doesn't burn out if we wait too long.
Depending on the cut, we will roast the meat for a different amount of time.

A grilled chop, for example, takes far less time to prepare than an entire rack of ribs. The idea here is to just flip the meat once when cooking it. To do this, we must ensure that each side is exposed to the heat for an adequate period of time, which we will be able to tell by the golden color it takes on.
If the incision is particularly thick, as with the pulp, it is always a good idea to open it up to examine if the interior is cooked. Although not optimal, it may be done with pig because it is best eaten cooked or well done.
Marinades and dressings
Pork is already really flavorful, so simply seasoning it with coarse salt is a great idea. We will be able to experience its natural flavor in this manner, which will undoubtedly pleasure our palate.
Without diminishing the preceding, the pig is also delicious with marinades and flavors other than salt. Chilean-style ribs are a national favorite, especially for those who prefer to play with heat: the marinade is made up of chile bell pepper in cream, coriander, onion, white vinegar, and salt.
It's best to marinade the piece the day before to infuse it with Creole flavor. Once the ribs are on the grill, a combination of ingredients may be applied to each side.
Other seasoning possibilities include lemon, mustard, and various foreign sauces like sweet and sour BBQ. As we all know, grilled pork stands out for its adaptability, allowing it to accommodate the varying tastes of guests at every barbecue.